The latest version of our Visual FoxPro to Java reports conversion tool is now available for download. With vfp2Java.reports redesigning your legacy FoxPro reports in a Java environment is just a matter of seconds. JasperReports and the visual report designer from Jaspersoft (iReport with Netbeans or Jaspersoft Studio with Eclipse) proved to be an excellent destination platform.
From simple reports such as customer listings to more complex documents such as invoices and product catalogs, vfp2Java.reports will generate the JasperReports layout out of your collection of existing VFP reports.
Since the announcement by Microsoft that no new versions of VFP would be released, we have been investigating several alternatives to migrate our applications to.
As dependency of a single software editor was considered to be a major pitfall to avoid for future developments, we finally selected the Java environment.
Developing a conversion tool for Visual Foxpro forms, seemed an excellent way to obtain appropriate knowledge about differences and similarities between VFP and Java.